Collection and use of personal data

Personal Data means any data that can be directly or indirectly linked to you as an individual and that Gwod collects and processes in order to provide them with services and fulfills its legal obligations.

Personal data can be collected in one of the following ways:

if you provide us with your contact details (including your name, social security number, postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, preferred method of communication) when you join our services.
by subscribing to our newsletter.

Collection of other data

We also collect non-personal data, i.e. data that cannot be directly related to a specific person (gender, age, language preference, location). This data is combined and used to improve our services. This privacy policy treats such combined data as non-personal data.

Use and storage of collected personal data

We may use any personal information we collect to notify you of customer news, campaigns and upcoming service changes. Customers who wish to unsubscribe from our newsletter mailing list or do not wish to receive information about products of interest to them may unsubscribe from the mailing lists at any time.

By agreeing to the terms of the privacy policy, the customer consents to Gwood for the automated processing of his data. You may withdraw your consent at any time on our website or by sending us a written request in a reproducible form. Such requests and consents shall not have retroactive effect.

Security of personal data

Gwood takes all precautions (including administrative, technical and physical measures) to protect customers’ personal data. Only authorized persons have access to personal data for the purpose of making changes and processing them.


All personal information you provide will be treated as confidential. The use of an encrypted data transmission channel in banks ensures that the personal data and bank details of buyers are protected.

Modification of customer data and termination of processing

The customer has the right to access their customer data at the e-mail address The customer has the right to demand the termination of the processing of his / her data and / or the deletion of the collected data, if the respective right arises from the Personal Data Protection Act or other legislation.

Terms and Changes to the Privacy Policy

By accessing our website or completing the Loyalty Program, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to these terms and conditions. We reserve the right to change the general terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, if necessary, by notifying all regular customers, but we will do our best to keep our Privacy Policy up to date and available to you on our website.